
Learning through Play

Attending preschool is the start of your child’s formal education. It’s a time when they develop their basic skills, knowledge and attitudes.
At the Cooinda and Marrang preschools, we plan a program for each child’s unique stage of development. They can learn at their own pace, whilst being challenged and gaining confidence along the way.
The safe, supervised learning atmosphere allows the children to freely express themselves, take initiative and extend their imagination. Wherever possible, the children’s ideas are integrated into further learning experiences. At all times they are encouraged to show respect for their peers and property.
At our preschools children will:
Identity: Children feel safe, secure and supported. They learn to interact in relation to others, with care, empathy and respect.
Community: Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and are aware of fairness and respect for their peers and the environment.
Wellbeing: Children develop independent social, hygiene and safety skills.
Learning:  Children explore, develop imagination, solve problems, co-operate, create and research and develop confidence.
Communication: Children interact verbally and non-verbally. Oral and written communication skills develop through music, singing, stories, dramatic play and sharing ideas.

If you would like to meet with one of our educators to discuss our program, please contact us!

We work within the Victorian Early Years Learning & Development Framework. For more information, please visit